A New Kind of Love

You lost her.
The stuff from the boutiques
looks just as good

as those expensive originals.
l don't know why

we don't get more of them.
Darling, no woman buys
a Paris gown to save money.

Unless, of course, she's in love
with her husband.

And then why bother?
Comes to about $42 a dozen.
- Madam?
- Merci.

You know, the hats
are divine this season.

- What did you wanna do that for?
- l couldn't resist it.

The last guy that bowed to me
was playing King Arthur
in the fourth grade.

l was Lady Guinevere.
So, Lady Guinevere, how are you
coming with the brassieres?

Fine. But come on up here
and take a look.

All these French sizes
are marked different.

This one says size 86.
Now, would you believe it? How you
gonna convert that into inches?

lt might help you to know
that l wear a size 90.

lt helps a lot.
l found a wonderful place here
to get sponge rubber.

Everybody goes there.
Mr. Bergner?
l don't know whether you think
it's illegal to pay

- for something you can steal.
- Sure, it's illegal.

But l'm not sure. lt might be better
to buy some of those
Paris originals, huh?

- Buy?
- Yeah.

That's right. You can copy them
much easier that way.

Everyone does it.
They sell you the rights.

Now, Mr. Bergner, isn't your money
just as good as Saks' or Magnins'?

Sure, it's as good. That's why l wanna
keep it in the bank where it belongs.

What do you think, Lina?
Centimeters, darling.
l said, what do you think?
l think it's a wonderful night.
