A New Kind of Love

lt had to be
But the wonder is this

Can it be true, someone like you
Could love me--?

- No.
- Sam

You see, l've got a problem.
Yes, you have. But l'm sure...
l'm sure there is someone,

who is waiting to tell you:
lf the nightingales
Could sing like you

They'd sing much sweeter
Than they do

For you brought
A new kind of love to me.

Quand je vous regarde avec ferveur
J'en éprouve tant de douceur
For you've brought
A new kind of love to me

Je ressens près de vous
Tant d'émoi

Que je n'suis plus maître de moi
Je sais tout nous sépare

Et pourtant je pense à vous
Tout le temps

l would work and slave
The whole day through

lf l could hurry home to you
Oh, you've brought
A new kind of love to me

Thanks. Le chapeau, s'il vous plait.
lf you will put on this hat,
Mademoiselle Sam,

and if you will place your problem
in the hands of St. Catherine,

and if you will, in short,
open your heart,

l'm sure that you will find here,
in Paris,

someone who will change your
mind about love.

Because in Paris:
Every bird has a mate
Every poodle has a date

ln the park in Paree in the spring
Every duck, every fish
Seems to get his every wish

ln the park in Paree in the spring
Each lover and his love discover
Nature is a wonderful thing
