A New Kind of Love

But you. You are young.
You are beautiful.

You haunt me all day through
Every little breeze
Seems to whisper ''Louise''

Birds in the trees
Seem to twitter ''Louise''

Each little rose
Tells me it knows

l love you, love you
Every little beat
That l feel in my heart

- l think l'll get down now.
- Seems to repeat

What l felt at the start
Each little sigh

Tells me that l adore you
- Louise
- My name's Sam.

Just to see and hear you
Brings joy l never knew

l think it fits.
But to be so near you
Thrills me through and through

Anyone can see
Why l wanted your kiss

lt had to be
But the wonder is this

Can it be true, someone like you
Could love me--?

- No.
- Sam

You see, l've got a problem.
Yes, you have. But l'm sure...
l'm sure there is someone,

who is waiting to tell you:
lf the nightingales
Could sing like you

They'd sing much sweeter
Than they do

For you brought
A new kind of love to me.

Quand je vous regarde avec ferveur
J'en éprouve tant de douceur
For you've brought
A new kind of love to me

Je ressens près de vous
Tant d'émoi

Que je n'suis plus maître de moi
Je sais tout nous sépare

Et pourtant je pense à vous
Tout le temps
