All right, it's true.
l'm just like all the rest.
More than anything in the world,
l want a husband.
Please help me.
My dear child. Why does everyone
come to me?
There must have been
some mistake.
l led a very sheltered life.
l know nothing of men.
Samantha, you're a very
sensible girl,
but you've got too much imagination
for your own good
and too much champagne.
l think you'd better get out of here.
Samantha Blake.
l will never get drunk again.
l will never get drunk again.
l will never get drunk again.
What do you want more than
anything in the world?
More than anything...
...in the whole world...
...l would like for people to stop
calling me Sam.
Then why do you not take off
those awful dark glasses
and comb your hair?
Please. Tell me:
what's the matter with me?
- How much time do we have?
- Just keep it down to the essentials.
You must learn to face the truth,
You must be ready to change
your innermost self.
Where can l do that?
At Elizabeth Arden's.
7 Place Vendome.
You know it very well.
You've passed by six times already,
debating whether you should go in.
- You ask my advice, Samantha?
- Yes.
Go in. Go in and stay all day.
l hope that'll be enough.
l hope so too.
Goodbye, Samantha. And tell the girls
to stop coming here.
l'm sure they have the wrong saint.
l don't think so.
l know you're just my imagination,
but thanks anyway.