- How much time do we have?
- Just keep it down to the essentials.
You must learn to face the truth,
You must be ready to change
your innermost self.
Where can l do that?
At Elizabeth Arden's.
7 Place Vendome.
You know it very well.
You've passed by six times already,
debating whether you should go in.
- You ask my advice, Samantha?
- Yes.
Go in. Go in and stay all day.
l hope that'll be enough.
l hope so too.
Goodbye, Samantha. And tell the girls
to stop coming here.
l'm sure they have the wrong saint.
l don't think so.
l know you're just my imagination,
but thanks anyway.
Samantha approached her first
beauty parlor
with all the eager willingness of
a soldier facing a firing squad.
Should she?
Shouldn't she?
Could they?
Couldn't they?
And if they couldn't, were they liable
to ruin what she already had,
if they could find it?
lt was a momentous decision.
Once on the attack, Samantha
charged through every salon in Paris,
trying every treatment the French
ever thought of.
Well, almost every treatment.