America, America

Nothing, you see?

There are some coins missing.
About six of them,
by my estimates.

I came to the conclusion
that you'd swallowed them.

I saw you do so in court.
At the time, I thought to myself
"Let him have something, poor thing."

But the situation has changed.
I cannot be so generous.

I'll admit that you've been patient.
If I'd been you, I'd have
taken out that blade...

and put it to its proper use,
but we Turks are primitive...

while you Greeks are civilised.
I envy you. You've learned
how to bear misfortune...

swallow insult and indignity
and still smile. I truly envy you.

Well? Is there anything?
Anything moving?

Nothing yet?
How long do you suppose?
Only Allah know that, eh?
You're really such a coward.
I've killed men like you before,
it's like killing a sheep.

One clean cut almost anywhere
and the life flows out.

A twitch or two,
and it's over.

A drink?
No, of course, you don't drink.
You don't fight.
You have no use for women.
What kind of a man are you?
