Bye Bye Birdie

lt should be
Hello, Sweet Apple Drive-in?
l'm looking tor my mother,
Mrs. Peterson.

Are you sure there's no one left
in your drive-in? Okay, thank you.

Don't worry, partner.
Your mother will get along tine.

Sweet Apple's
full ot friendly folk.

lt anything happens to her,
I'll never forgive myself.

- What kind of a dump is this?
- ''Dump''?

Conrad. Let's humor him, partner.
lf he walks otf
the Sullivan show, we're sunk.

l can't tind no church key
in my room.

Church key? We've had
a church here, but it's open.

A can opener, man.
You're from nowherelike.

That's my tavorite brand.
Well, it's bedtime, huh, Conrad?
Okay for tonight,
but tomorrow's Saturday...

and that's my real tense night.
Thanks, Mr. McAtee.
The next time l have a daughter,
l hope it's a boy.

l am a lucky man though, Albert.
Meeting up with
a biochemical wizard.

Peterson and McAfee
are going right to the moon.

l've got to, not just
tor my mother, for Rosie.
