Church key? We've had
a church here, but it's open.
A can opener, man.
You're from nowherelike.
That's my tavorite brand.
Well, it's bedtime, huh, Conrad?
Okay for tonight,
but tomorrow's Saturday...
and that's my real tense night.
Thanks, Mr. McAtee.
The next time l have a daughter,
l hope it's a boy.
l am a lucky man though, Albert.
Meeting up with
a biochemical wizard.
Peterson and McAfee
are going right to the moon.
l've got to, not just
tor my mother, for Rosie.
Well, l guess l'll get
a little air and turn in.
Take all the air you want, chum.
Hi, Rosie.
Rosie, you don't have
to worry about Mama. She'll show up.
- l'm certain she will.
- Then you ought to be happy.
Kim's on the show.
Conrad does my song...
and l promise
l'll tell Mama about us.
Come on.