He has power, wealth and family.
He kneels.
He begs you to be his friend again.
To have you trust him again.
And then? What then, little king?
Caesar must wish
what needs commanding.
To drain the Pontine Marshes.
To free Rome from malaria.
To fill my belly.
To control the Tiber's floods.
To improve the harbor at Ostia.
To please my ambition.
And must I wish roads to be built,
libraries for public use?
The men of Italy to be equal
to those of Rome?
Many of these have merits
and merit our approval.
"Merit your approval." Is Caesar
to come before the Senate each day...
...like a schoolboy,
now passing, now failing?
Do you suggest the Senate no longer
deliberate the welfare of Rome?
To end the process of Roman law?
I must be the law! And my word
must be the welfare of Rome.
Else, take from me
this meaningless title of dictator.
I've carried a sword for too long.
I cannot now pretend
with an empty scabbard.
Surely Caesar recalls the symbolic
nature of the title "dictator"...
...at the time it was conferred.
It was to honor Caesar
above all men...
...and to indicate Rome's gratitude
for your triumphs in its name.
Brutus, I recall them well,
those triumphs.
Do you?
Pharsalia, for one.
You trembled in Antony's hand...
...when he was hot
to separate you from your head...
...with just cause.
My command spared your life.
There was no deliberating body.
It was not my wish, but my command.
By my dictate that you stand here
dribbling virtue out of your mouth.
Sit down.
No, I want no more meaningless
privileges and considerations.