I must be the law! And my word
must be the welfare of Rome.
Else, take from me
this meaningless title of dictator.
I've carried a sword for too long.
I cannot now pretend
with an empty scabbard.
Surely Caesar recalls the symbolic
nature of the title "dictator"...
...at the time it was conferred.
It was to honor Caesar
above all men...
...and to indicate Rome's gratitude
for your triumphs in its name.
Brutus, I recall them well,
those triumphs.
Do you?
Pharsalia, for one.
You trembled in Antony's hand...
...when he was hot
to separate you from your head...
...with just cause.
My command spared your life.
There was no deliberating body.
It was not my wish, but my command.
By my dictate that you stand here
dribbling virtue out of your mouth.
Sit down.
No, I want no more meaningless
privileges and considerations.
No more honors designed to pacify me.
I would rather have nothing.
Remain what I am at heart.
A humble man, anxious only to serve.
Why are the eyes of a statue
always without life?
Have any of you here seen the Nile?
Spare yourselves the journey.
She carries it within her eyes.
I suggest, Caesar,
that the hour is late.
Very late for Rome.
I was speaking, Cassius! I was...
Now, where was I?
"Anxious to serve."
Yes, I've served.
Served for all of my life.
I've won for Rome
more than half of the world.
Most of you owe your honors
and fortunes to me.
And now I want you to do as I say.
You will appoint me...
...emperor of Rome.