There you go.
''Mr. and Mrs. Jack Windgren
''2201 Robert Road,
Tampa, Florida.
''Dear Folks,
l am in Acapulco.
''lt might be the place
to solve my problem.
lntend to try.
Love, Mike.''
How much?
That'll be 25 pesos,
or two dollars.
You have a problem, Señor?
Anything l can do?
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Let's go to the beach.
All right, let's go.
Excuse me, l know
this is not the time
to talk business, but...
What kind of business?
Oh, please, go ahead.
l'm not a guest. l work here.
Then we've got something
in common
'cause l work here, too.
You do?
Yeah, that's what l want
to talk over with you.
See, the manager thinks
that you've been working
too hard.
So, he gave me a job
as your relief man.
Why are you so worried about me?
lt's only
during the siesta hours.
Look, Señor--
whatever your name is--
l told you l don't
take a siesta.
Oh. The name is Mike Windgren.
Marguerita Dauphin.
How do you do?