Excuse me, l know
this is not the time
to talk business, but...
What kind of business?
Oh, please, go ahead.
l'm not a guest. l work here.
Then we've got something
in common
'cause l work here, too.
You do?
Yeah, that's what l want
to talk over with you.
See, the manager thinks
that you've been working
too hard.
So, he gave me a job
as your relief man.
Why are you so worried about me?
lt's only
during the siesta hours.
Look, Señor--
whatever your name is--
l told you l don't
take a siesta.
Oh. The name is Mike Windgren.
Marguerita Dauphin.
How do you do?
l don't know yet.
How do you think it looks
to the world
when the diving champion
of Mexico doesn't take a siesta?
The hotel is only trying
to protect him
and his reputation.
And how many hours
of reputation protection
does the hotel think l need?
Well, say from 1 :00 to 4:00.
We'll see about that.
We have laws, you know?
See you at 1 :00 tomorrow,
You, too, señorita.
l hope.
This is a nice surprise.
May l join you?
You got a reservation?
This table is, uh, kind
of small for two people.
lf you feel that way,
l can find another place.
Oh, no, no.
lt would be an honor.
Thank you.
What did you order?
l've forgotten.
My waiter went north
for the winter.
Be patient.
You're in Mexico.
They like to prepare food well,
it takes time