Fun in Acapulco

l don't know yet.
How do you think it looks
to the world

when the diving champion
of Mexico doesn't take a siesta?

The hotel is only trying
to protect him
and his reputation.

And how many hours
of reputation protection

does the hotel think l need?
Well, say from 1 :00 to 4:00.
We'll see about that.
We have laws, you know?
See you at 1 :00 tomorrow,

You, too, seƱorita.
l hope.
This is a nice surprise.
May l join you?
You got a reservation?
This table is, uh, kind
of small for two people.

lf you feel that way,
l can find another place.

Oh, no, no.
lt would be an honor.
Thank you.
What did you order?
l've forgotten.
My waiter went north
for the winter.

Be patient.
You're in Mexico.
They like to prepare food well,
it takes time

but it's worth waiting for.
You're not Mexican, are you?
No. Where are you from?
The United States.
l could tell that.
l wish that waiter would hurry.
l've got some rehearsing to do.
Did you say ''rehearsing''?
For lifeguarding?
No, l go on
for El Trovador tonight.

You're an entertainer
plus a lifeguard?

Why not?
Two jobs?
You are ambitious.
Say, what do you do around here?
l'm assistant social director.
Oh. l might just get over
being antisocial, then.

Thank you.
lt's good.
Hey, doc, is it catching?
Vichyssoise must be served
at 40 degrees

not warmer and not colder.
He's only help,
not a paying customer.
