l am so happy...
l really wanted to see you again.
l don't get it. The last time
l saw you, you were red !
- What do you mean ? - Didn't
the Garibaldians wear red shirts ?
That was a long time ago.
No more Garibaldi !
Thank heaven, Cavriaghi and l
belong to the troops of the King.
When it was all over, we could
choose between going home
or joining the royal troops.
We chose the proper army.
We could no longer stand
Garibaldi's troops, right ?
God, they were awful people !
They couldn't even shoot properly !
Now, we are real soldiers.
People don't fear we'll steal
their hens anymore !
You should have seen it.
When we stopped to change horses,
we just had to name the King,
and the horses appeared magically !
- You'll tell me about it later.
Go take a bath and change. - Right.
Excuse us, aunt.
Let's go, Cavriaghi.
Wait ! First, l want to show you
the ring for Angelica.
- How beautiful !
- You think so ? - Oh, yes !
- Look.
- Beautiful, really !
- lt looks very precious !
- lndeed !
- Do you like it ?
- Very much, yes.
Was it very expensive ?
l used your money very wisely.
l didn't spend all of it.
- l even managed to buy...
- Some little present, yes !