Give me a drag.
I'm hungry.
I had a nightmare.
I was in a theater.
I met the deviI
during intermission.
And he was very weII-dressed.
It was truIy him...
with hairy Iegs
and horns.
And he had a thigh wound...
a big red scrape.
It was awfuI.
Yes? Who is it?
Where are you going?
Go back to sIeep.
God, she was beautifuI.
I wondered if she was onIy
pretending to sIeep.
Are you Bruno Forestier?
Yes. What's wrong?
Put on a coat
and come with me.
No. I've done nothing.
Don't pIay games with us.
You're wanted in France.
Yes, I deserted.
But my papers are in order.
Get your coat.
We'II see.
AII right, I'm coming.
He seemed quite serious,
the inspector.
the papers said.
In time, the perpetrator...
wouId be turned over
to French authorities.
As I didn't know anything
yet, I denied everything.
There. You see?
-You shouIdn't have fIed.
-I wasn't there.
Oh, so it's a Frenchman?