They try to get away
with anything!
Were you there or not?
Never Iook down
before a cop.
You don't know?
What an ass I was.
But...the gentIeman
has witnesses.
In that car!
I understood too Iate...
the crap had begun
for my not kiIIing PaIivoda.
So...are we going
to the station?
I had Iost
my first major battIe.
So, are you going
to fiIe charges?
A tremendous feeIing of
IoneIiness settIed through me.
Maybe freedom began
with remorse.
-Where'd you go?
-To get cigarettes.
You didn't take a bath?
I didn't feeI Iike it.
A woman's shouIders are
very pretty and nobIe.
You're odd this morning.
Yes. I'm becoming a coward.
I'm becoming a coward.
It's strange. When I Iook
myseIf in the face...
I get the feeIing I don't match
what I think is inside.