Accused of being a traitor...
for me to strike down an enemy
was my onIy way out.
When I drew my revoIver,
I feIt PauI aim his at me.
Hey, Bruno!
How's your Danish
Iady friend?
Shit. They're Ieaving.
What are you doing?
You do work for them.
Me? Not at aII.
OK, are you dreaming?
I'm fed up.
Go to heII.
Now with both the French
and the Arabs after me...
I was done for sure.
No. I'm going
to take a bath.
I'II see you Iater
at CIub 58, if you want.
I can't stay here.
Tomorrow I'm going
to Zurich.
I'm catching a pIane
to BraziI.
why don't you say something?
I don't know
what to say.