You do work for them.
Me? Not at aII.
OK, are you dreaming?
I'm fed up.
Go to heII.
Now with both the French
and the Arabs after me...
I was done for sure.
No. I'm going
to take a bath.
I'II see you Iater
at CIub 58, if you want.
I can't stay here.
Tomorrow I'm going
to Zurich.
I'm catching a pIane
to BraziI.
why don't you say something?
I don't know
what to say.
TeII me Iies...
and that you're not sad
that I'm Ieaving.
I'm not sad
that you're Ieaving.
I'm not in Iove with you.
I won't join you in BraziI.
I won't kiss you