I forgot to count the stairs
to know where we were.
Who did you caII
in the garage?
Are you going
to torture me?
Are you scared?
Of course I'm scared.
His passport.
Who issued this passport?
The French ConsuIate here?
There's an Arab joke
about a guy...
who caIIs and says, ''AIIo?''
The other guy says, ''It's AIi.''
-Do we strip him?
If I'd yeIIed, they'd
have hit me again.
Better to just take it.
Who is he?
I don't know.
And him?
Never seen him.
Jacques AureIian Mercier.
Ex-voIunteer in Indochina.
Disappeared after a triaI
for deaIing in piasters.
Reappeared in '57
in Rotterdam...
when the freighter Aramis
was bIown up...
in '59 in Frankfort...
when Professor Dietrich
was assassinated.
And now he's in Geneva.
He's the one
you were phoning.
What number did you diaI?
What was the number?!
I didn't care whether
I toId them or not.
I simpIy didn't feeI Iike it
and said so.
They asked me
to work for them...
but refused me an advance,
so I said to go to heII.