Le Petit soldat

In Budapest, I'd aIready
seen torture.

I wondered if I'd
be abIe to bear it.

Now my moment had come.
The faucets.
I knowthat others
endured worse...

but I never encountered
any martyrs or screams...

so I can't discuss it.
I onIy know I forced myseIf
not to yeII...

and soon stopped struggIing.
Think of anything, quick,
anything to avoid the pain.

The sea, the beach, the sun.
Think so fast you can't
think of anything.

Write to Veronica! Quick!
Don't think about the pain.

Quick! Write a Ietter.
Faster yet.

Beat the speed of pain.
A Ietter to Veronica...

better than the one
Desnos sent his wife.

What happened?
You passed out.
Did I cry?
Why do you ask?
What's going on?
He asked if he cried.
I wonder why
that interests him.
