Think of anything, quick,
anything to avoid the pain.
The sea, the beach, the sun.
Think so fast you can't
think of anything.
Write to Veronica! Quick!
Don't think about the pain.
Quick! Write a Ietter.
Faster yet.
Beat the speed of pain.
A Ietter to Veronica...
better than the one
Desnos sent his wife.
What happened?
You passed out.
Did I cry?
Why do you ask?
What's going on?
He asked if he cried.
I wonder why
that interests him.
Because it's important.
Between torture sessions, we had
great poIiticaI discussion.
They said I was an idiot
with no ideaIs.
And Iike aII organizations
with specific goaIs,
they tried to indoctrinate me.
''The French aIso tortured.
''Prisoners awaited in obscurity
either prison...
''or the resuIt of
their attempts to escape...
''that is to say, a haiI
of buIIets in the back.''
DjamiIa's fiancé...
died that way.
There's no doubt that strength
is superior to inteIIigence.
You have to be strong,
it's true, to resist strength.