Come on !
Within 5 minutes...
You get away !
Get a move on !
It's you, Mr. Fernand?
You look surprised !
Raoul Volfoni is ridiculous.
I told him to send a driver ...
.. not to disturb you.
Now, I'm here !
By the way, your joint's not
easy to find.
Been driving around for one hour.
The police's been looking for 10 years.
They never found it !
That's why ..
..I shall miss this place.
Why do you say that ?
You never have the blues ?
Not much, no.
You don't have the same reasons.
You, you won the war !
Yes, but I'm not here tonight
for the parade !
So, what's happening ?
Well ..
.. here's what happening !
A full load ready to deliver !
Pastis worth 60,000.
A client, waiting for it
between 11 pm and midnight.
In Fontainebleau.
Well, we won't deliver.
Why ?
Our last driver just left
for the Sahara desert, ..
..In the oil business !
Because of the bonuses and
better insurance coverage.