Lilies of the Field

I speak English not so good.
You want to take advantage
of a poor country boy like me?

OK. We'll play it your way.
Book of Luke, chapter ten, verse seven.
Your Bible is all in German.
I'll read it to you in English.
"And in the same house remain, eating
and drinking such things as they give,

for the labourer is worthy of his hire."
That's not exactly what I had in mind
but you get the idea.

What you got there? Proverbs 14.
"Cast in thy lot amongst us,
let us all have one purse... "

I am a poor man! I've got to work
for wages. I can't work for...

Matthew... chapter six.
Acht und zwanzig...
Matthew, chapter six, 28-29.
Schmidt, read it in English.
"Why take thee thought for raiment?"
"Consider the lilies of the field
and how they grow."

"They toil not, neither do they spin,
yet I say unto you,
not even Solomon in all his glories

was arrayed as one of these."
Consider the lilies.
- What's that?
- You go to bed.

Tomorrow Sunday is.
The mass in town is nine by the clock.
