"Cast in thy lot amongst us,
let us all have one purse... "
I am a poor man! I've got to work
for wages. I can't work for...
Matthew... chapter six.
Acht und zwanzig...
Matthew, chapter six, 28-29.
Schmidt, read it in English.
"Why take thee thought for raiment?"
"Consider the lilies of the field
and how they grow."
"They toil not, neither do they spin,
yet I say unto you,
not even Solomon in all his glories
was arrayed as one of these."
Consider the lilies.
- What's that?
- You go to bed.
Tomorrow Sunday is.
The mass in town is nine by the clock.
- I'm a Baptist. I don't go to mass.
- We go.
- How'd you get there before?
- We walk every Sunday. Now we got you.
Now dammit! You ain't got me!
- Good night, Schmidt.
- Get that straight!
- Schlafen Sie wohl.
- And cut that out.
Bless you, Schmidt.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- No breakfast?
- Never before mass.