Nonsense, you couldn't stay
in the cottage after what happened.
No, I couldn't. I just couldn't.
That's why I'm so grateful.
It's a pleasure, dear lady.
A shock like this
takes weeks to get over.
A few gallops over the Downs and
we'll have you back in the saddle.
I don't ride.
You don't ride?
We'll have to see to that, won't we?
Perhaps, whilst I'm here, there might
be something I could do.
I can arrange the flowers or...
be a hostess.
Yes, we'll talk about that later.
Yes, I mustn't keep you.
I'm sure you're very busy.
Perhaps someone could
show me to my room?
- I'll take you.
- Please don't bother.
I'll get the porter
to take my things up.
Oh, Miss Milchrest.
Yes, Mr Enderby.
There was something I wanted to ask.
What was it? Oh yes, of course.
The day that her brother
called on poor Aunt Cora,
were you at the cottage?
Why... yes, I was.
You've no idea what was said?
Well... no.
Naturally they wanted to be alone.
Oh well, it's not important.
Thank you.
Oh, Miss Milchrest, good morning.
How nice to see you again.
Good morning.