Murder at the Gallop

were you at the cottage?
Why... yes, I was.
You've no idea what was said?
Well... no.
Naturally they wanted to be alone.

Oh well, it's not important.
Thank you.

Oh, Miss Milchrest, good morning.
How nice to see you again.
Good morning.
Don't look so frightened, my dear.
I've done my quota of murders today.

- Are you staying here?
- I am indeed.

- Oh, I didn't know that.
- A delightful surprise no doubt.

may I ask what brings you here?

Oh, Mr Hector's been very kind.
He invited me
when I had to leave the cottage

and I had no place to go.
- Mr Hector invited you?
- Yes.

- I hope you have a pleasant stay.
- Thank you.

Oh, by the way...
...don't tell the family
I was in the cottage yesterday.

It might hinder
the Inspector's enquiries.

- Oh yes, of course.
- Thank you.

Can I help you?
I was just admiring your boots.
They're quite beautiful.
I'm really envious.

Thank you. Goodbye.
