Shin Zatoichi monogatari

that I entered the Yakuza.
This is my punishment.
I did some things
I shouldn't have done.

Cut those I shouldn't have,
killed those I shouldn't have.

The grudges against me
are piling up.

I've put myself
in a dangerous position.

It's time I started regretting things.
I hear rumors about
your sword drawing.

But you're not wearing one. Is that
wise, after all you've told me?

Tame-san, can I borrow
your Shamisen?

The Shamisen?
I'm so glad I met you again,
I feel like singing.

Wife, the Shamisen.
I'm embarrassed to give
such a poor instrument...

The back leather's torn.
It doesn't make a pretty sound.

As long as it makes a sound.
Everyone, please
pretend to be deaf.

"Zato, Zato...
