- What?
- She's completely deaf...
Ichi, are you deaf?
You are the one who's deaf!
Probably. To be blind
and deaf is a little too much...
By the way, are you not planning
on going back to Kasamon?
I'm still thinking about it.
If you're in Shimodate,
how can you not go to Kasamon?
You should visit your parents'
graves sometimes.
Very well, I'll do that.
Here, breakfast is ready.
Good morning, Miss.
A man staying at the Aburaya lnn
said that he fought you
at the hot baths at Kinugawa.
It must be Kanbei's younger brother
and his friend.
I thought I should let you know,
I ran all the way here.
Thank you for that.
Anyway, let's walk home together?
The young leaves of the bamboo
smell so strong.