- Ooh, dark tonight, isn't it?
- Inky.
- Wouldn't like to be out alone.
- Uh-uh.
- I remember when...
- Shh!
What was that noise?
- Sure you've got the bear locks on?
- Wouldn't dare forget them.
Oh, well, I guess we're safe enough.
Safe from what?
Oh, nothing, nothing.
But this is the wilderness.
Oh, well, I should think out here,
nobody would...
Oh, nobody would.
- They're just after honey.
- Who is?
Well, I guess we've done
all that's humanly possible.
Are you ready for bed? Or would you
rather sit here alone and read a book?
Oh, no, I think I'll go up with you.
Hey, check the back door again, Gil.
Better be safe than sorry.
After you, Julia.
Who's there?
I tried to tell you!
I tried to tell you!
Julia! Julia!