- Close the door, please.
- Lallie Joy, you're not her maid.
Oh, I don't mind.
- Did you want me for something?
- Yes, Osh.
I've been figuring. Facing facts.
I hate facts.
Well, there's one very unpleasant one.
We haven't enough money.
And if we want to stay in this house,
we won't be able to go on fixing it.
But, Mother, we haven't even
started on the outside yet.
We'll have to live in it the way it is.
Oh, no!
There's no hurry about paying me.
We'll figure that out some day.
It won't do, Osh.
You're too kind. We can't accept it.
There's the second rent payment
due Mr. Hamilton.
Mr. Hamilton. Rent money.
I clean forgot.
I got a letter. It's in my pocket.
No, I must have left it in my coat.
Did he get my letter
about the improvements?
Oh, yes, sir. Yes, sir.
I put yours in with the one I wrote him
about that time.
He was so darned overjoyed about
what you were doing to the old house,
you know, adding to its value,
that he wouldn't even consider
taking any rent money.
No rent money?!
- Mother! Won't that make a difference?
- We can't accept it.
- Mr. Hamilton is very...
- Hold your horses there, Mrs. Carey.
He wants a favor in return.
- A favor? From us?
- Yes.
He wants you to find a suitable place
for his dear mother's picture.
- His mother's picture?
- Of course!
Dear old soul. Portrait of a lady.
- Where is she, Osh?
- Well... well, he hid her.
He hid her away some place safe.
He wrote it down real clear,
but it's just gone right out of my head.
If you'll bring the letter, we'll follow
the instructions to the last detail.
- She'll have a place of honor.
- That's the idea.