You can't go down now.
It can only be up from here.
I'd like to know how.
- Use your head.
An education, lad.
What good will that do?
Get it first. Then who knows?
Are you willing to try?
Well, what have
I got to lose?
That's the spirit!
We'll start tomorrow!
We'll show 'em.
Won't we, boy?
We sure will.
Now, first of all, lad...
we've got to get all these
medieval ideas out of your head.
Clear the way for new ideas.
Knowledge of man's
fabulous discoveries...
in the centuries ahead.
Now that'll be a great advantage, boy.
- Advantage, indeed!
If the boy goes about saying the world
is round, they'll take him for a lunatic.
The world is round?
- Yes, yes, that's right.
And it also goes around.
You mean it'll be round someday?
- No, no, no.
It's round now. Man will discover
this in centuries to come.
And he will also find that
the world is merely...
a tiny speck
in the universe.
- Oh, you're only confusing the boy.
Before you're through, he'll be so mixed
up he'll be wearing his shoes on his head.
Man has always learned from the past. After
all, you can't learn history in reverse.
It's, it's, it's confusing
enough, for heaven sakes.
All right! All right.
Have it your way, Archimedes.
You're in charge.
You're the headmaster now.
So from now on,
he's your pupil.
So, from now on, boy...
you do as I say.
Yes, sir.
- All right.
Now to start off, I want you
to read these books.
All of them?
- That, my boy, is a mountain of knowledge.
But l, but I can't read.
- What, what...?
Then I don't suppose you know how to write?
No, sir.
- What do you know?