Are you seriously telling us
you've been on the moon and returned?
Oh, it's so long...
Thank you.
l'd been...
l'd been engaged in an
unsuccessful business speculation.
My creditors were pressing me hard.
l'd always had the idea
l could write a play.
Wonderful financial possibilities
in a successful play.
l looked for somewhere
secluded where l could write.
In the end l rented a cottage,
out near Dymchurch.
l remember it was along
an abandoned canal.
- Just one today, Mr. Bedford.
- Thank you.
- Hi.
- Infernal contraption!
- Hello, darling.
- Kate.
- Was it all right with your relations?
- No trouble.
They think l'm at Worthing
rehearsing a play.
Cherry Cottage.
Arnold, it's lovely.
And with a real cherry tree.
The moat to my castle. Come on.
Watch your step.
- All right?
- Thank you.
Oh, it's so beautiful.