- Well, we're here, Nevsky.- I see, colonel.
Rice to crew. Transmit touchdown timeand position to mother ship.
Let's look atthe environment telemetry.
Only Child to UN One.
Touchdown at 7 hours, 2 minutes,9 seconds sidereal time.
Latitude 3-7 degrees, 8 minutes,10 seconds...
- What's it like, Stuart?- Readings are coming.
UN One to Only Child on H.F.UN One to Only Child.
How do you read?
- Rice on U.H.F. High. Do you read me?- Loud and clear.
- How was the landing?- We made it in one piece.
We're puttingthe survey team down, colonel.
Sgt. Martin's enteringthe escape hatch. Here's Nevsky.
- Set?- Go, sir.
Roger, Only Child.Your impact point is right on.
- Read you loud and clear.- Secure escape hatch.
Your systems look good.
How does it look out the window?