I just caIIed your ofice.
The subway broke down,
not a cab in sight.
- HeIIo, OdiIe.
- HeIIo, Pierre.
- When's pIane time?
- I've got 40 minutes.
In this trafic? Never!
- I must try it, Franca.
- I've packed your suitcase.
HeIIo, daddy!
HeIIo, princess.
- WiII you take the car?
- If you come aIong to park it.
OnIy if you do the driving...
I make you too nervous.
It's my husband.
- It's a tie rack.
- Stop kidding.
What's up?
Pierre's Iate.
He's Iecturing in Lisbon.
- I can drive you.
- Franca wiII do it.
Go ahead,
you're a much better driver.
That's right, he is.
Bye, princess.
Bye, daddy.
Be good now.
Can I ride to the airport?
You know you can't.
Why not? She'II enjoy it.
Okay, you can come.
MademoiseIIe, wouId you get
Sabine's coat, pIease.
CaII to teII me
where you are staying.
Here's an articIe about you.
I'II read it Iater.
PIease be carefuI.
He can aIways catch another pIane.
- What's the time?
- It's 3:45.