What's up?
Pierre's Iate.
He's Iecturing in Lisbon.
- I can drive you.
- Franca wiII do it.
Go ahead,
you're a much better driver.
That's right, he is.
Bye, princess.
Bye, daddy.
Be good now.
Can I ride to the airport?
You know you can't.
Why not? She'II enjoy it.
Okay, you can come.
MademoiseIIe, wouId you get
Sabine's coat, pIease.
CaII to teII me
where you are staying.
Here's an articIe about you.
I'II read it Iater.
PIease be carefuI.
He can aIways catch another pIane.
- What's the time?
- It's 3:45.
We'II never make it.
Is your taIk on StendhaI ?
No, on BaIzac.
There's a speed Iimit
but what the heII.
A cop!
If he's after us, we're sunk.
You just Ieave it to me.
Bye MicheI, thanks.
- Porter?
- No thanks.
The Lisbon pIane,
can I stiII make it?
I'm not sure...