La Peau douce

So you're of to Tokyo?
Not yet.
They are Ieaving next month.

See you at Suzanne's tomorrow.
Let's go together.
We'II see. I'II caII you.
I can reIy on you to caII.
Have a good trip back.
Were you bored?
No, I Iike them.
They're nice.
By the way, Kanayan caIIed.
He's furious.

What is it this time?
It seems
that in the Iatest edition,

his articIe was put in Iast pIace.
He said: ''I know it's petty,
""but as I"m from
an underdeveIoped country...

''I've got
a terribIe inferiority compIex.''

I feIt Iike quoting that joke...
''That's no compIex, my dear,
you're reaIIy inferior!''

But that wouId be going too far.
Once you know him,
he's reaIIy a nice guy.

pierre LACHENAY, president
5th floor, Ieft

pierre LACHENAY, president
5th floor, Ieft

- What about that caII?
- The Iine's busy.

Can we do the maiI now?
If you Iike.
For Mr. Kanayan,
17, street so and so.

My dear Kanayan,
You're decision
to stop writing for us

is due to a misunderstanding...
No. I'II Iunch with him instead.
- And the other Ietters?
- Later.

What about the caIIs?
