then the accused is entitled
to the benefit of that doubt.
Members of the jury,
if you have been convinced by the
evidence beyond all reasonable doubt,
that the accused
committed this heinous crime,
then it is your solemn duty
to return a verdict of guilty.
You will retire
and consider your verdict.
Might just have time
for that beer, Wells.
There's absolutely
no doubt in my mind he's guilty.
He was caught
red-handed by the policeman.
Prisoner at the bar,
have you anything to say...
Not yet, m'lord,
the jury is still out.
Surely the time is more appropriate
for a very dry Martini, Johnson?
Very good, m'lord.
- Not more tea?
- No. They're coming back.
Are you agreed upon your verdict?
No, sir.
What did you say?
We're not able to reach
an agreement, m'lord.