My Fair Lady

...the streets will be strewn
with the bodies of men...

...shooting themselves for your sake
before I'm done with you.

I'm goin'.
He's off his chump, he is.
I don't want no balmies teachin' me.

Mad? All right, Mrs. Pearce,
don't order those new clothes.

- Throw her out.
- Stop! I won't allow it.

Go home to your parents, girl.
I ain't got no parents.
She ain't got no parents. What's the fuss?
Nobody wants her. She's no use
to anyone but me. Take her upstairs!

What's to become of her?
Is she to be paid anything?

Do be sensible, sir.
What'd she do with money?
She'll have food and clothes.

She'll drink if you give her money.
You are a brute! It's a lie!
Nobody ever saw the sign o' liquor on me.
Sir, you're a gentleman.
Don't let 'im speak to me like that!

Does it occur to you, Higgins,
the girl has some feelings?

No, I don't think so.
No feelings we need worry about.

Well, have you, Eliza?
I got me feelings same as anyone else.
Mr. Higgins, I must know on what terms
the girl is to be here.

What'll become of her
when you've finished teaching?

You must look ahead a little, sir.
What'll become of her if we leave her
in the gutter, Mrs. Pearce?

That's her own business,
not yours, Mr. Higgins.

When I'm done, we'll throw her back.
Then it'll be her own business again.
That'll be all right, won't it?

You've no feelin' 'eart in ya!
You don't care for nothin' but yourself.
I've 'ad enough of this. I'm goin'!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
Have some chocolates, Eliza.
'Ow do I know what might be in 'em?
I've 'eard of girls bein' drugged
by the likes o' you.

Pledge of good faith.
I'll take one half.
And you take the other.
You'll have boxes of them,
barrels of them every day.

You'll live on them, eh?
I wouldn't 've ate it, only I'm too ladylike
to take it out o' me mouth.

Think of it, Eliza.
Think of chocolates, and taxis...

...and gold and diamonds.
