My Fair Lady

You must look ahead a little, sir.
What'll become of her if we leave her
in the gutter, Mrs. Pearce?

That's her own business,
not yours, Mr. Higgins.

When I'm done, we'll throw her back.
Then it'll be her own business again.
That'll be all right, won't it?

You've no feelin' 'eart in ya!
You don't care for nothin' but yourself.
I've 'ad enough of this. I'm goin'!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
Have some chocolates, Eliza.
'Ow do I know what might be in 'em?
I've 'eard of girls bein' drugged
by the likes o' you.

Pledge of good faith.
I'll take one half.
And you take the other.
You'll have boxes of them,
barrels of them every day.

You'll live on them, eh?
I wouldn't 've ate it, only I'm too ladylike
to take it out o' me mouth.

Think of it, Eliza.
Think of chocolates, and taxis...

...and gold and diamonds.
I don't want no gold and no diamonds.
I'm a good girl, I am.

Higgins, I really must interfere.
Mrs. Pearce is quite right.

If this girl will put herself
in your hands for six months...

...for an experiment in teaching, she must
understand thoroughly what she's doing.

You are to stay here
for the next six months...

...learning how to speak beautifully
like a lady in a florist shop.

If you're good and do what you're told,
you'll sleep in a proper bedroom...

...have lots to eat, money
to buy chocolates and take rides in taxis.

But if you are naughty and idle...
:34:40'll sleep in the kitchen
amongst the black beetles...

...and be walloped by Mrs. Pearce
with a broomstick.

At the end of six months,
you shall be taken to Buckingham Palace...

:34:51 a carriage, beautifully dressed.
If the king finds out
that you are not a lady...

...the police will take you to the Tower
of London where your head will be cut off...
