My Fair Lady

Don't you hit me!
Hit you? You infamous creature!
How dare you suggest such a thing!

It's you who've hit me.
You've wounded me to the heart.

I'm glad. I've got a little
of my own back anyhow.

You've caused me to lose my temper.
That's hardly happened to me before.

I don't wish to discuss it further tonight.
I'm going to bed.

Leave your own note for Mrs. Pearce
about the coffee...

...for it won't be done by me!
Damn Mrs. Pearce,
damn the coffee and damn you!

Damn my own folly for having lavished
my hard-earned knowledge...

...and the treasure of my regard
and intimacy on a heartless guttersnipe!

"Just you wait, 'Enry 'lggins
Just you wait!

"You'll be sorry
But your tears will be too late

"You will be the one it's done to
"And you'll have no one to run to
"Just you wait"
