What's your name?
Shintaro Ibuki,
former lance corporal.
So you're a returnee.
I feel like I'm in a field hospital.
What's your racket? S.T.?
Gotta be the X word.
B.T. Is more his speed.
What the hell are
S.T., X and B.T.?
Don't you know anything?
S.T. Is a sneak thief,
the X word is extortion,
and B.T. Is bicycle theft.
What good is it
using such obvious codes?
You think you're special or something?
Give me a break!
I do whatever I have to
to survive.
I bet you're a hold-up man.
Anything less
and you're beneath contempt.
I'm gonna get some sleep.
As soon as that wound heals,
I want you out of here.
This place belongs to just us girls.
We'll see who goes... you or me.
Just to eat and live...
he had more fight in him for that
than he knew what to do with,
and I watched him
with a feeling of awe.
As in primitive societies
where the strongest becomes chief,
Ibuki soon stood at the center
of our little community.
Is dinner ready?
I lived through years
of carnage on the battlefield.
You talk like you know life.
What a laugh!
You're just taking the easy way
and having your jollies.