A wounded beast once healed
longs to return
to his free and savage life.
Ibuki started making forays
into town.
You hadn't come around,
so I thought you'd left Tokyo.
I've been concerned
about what I left with you,
but I'd like you to hold it
for me a little longer.
I'll come and get it soon.
What is it?
It's not hot, is it?
Nothing like that.
I wouldn't ask my best friend's father
to do anything risky.
Just don't get desperate
and do something reckless.
Especially after being lucky enough
to make it home alive.
Though it's hardly a country worth
coming home to anymore.
you gotta count yourself lucky,
considering those who didn't make it.
The key is money.
Can't do a damn thing
without a chunk of money.