
It was the Ashikaga army
that made us go with them.

We fought twice.
The 3rd time, we got caught
by the Kusunoki army.

My son too?
Yes, both of us.
So we became Kusunoki men.
All the same to us.
Not our war.
We didn't care who won.
There are two Emperors now.
Kusunoki fights for
the Emperor at Mt.Yoshino...

Ashikaga for the Kyoto Emperor.
It means the two Emperors
are quarreling.

At first we wanted to be heroes,
but killing's not easy.

Might get killed myself.
Once I stabbed a man
in the back with a spear.

He was in some bushes
and I killed him.

My son?
It was 3 days ago...
The KusunokiArmy was
beaten flat at Minatogawa.

Wiped right out
by the Ashikaga men.

It was a mess.
Couldn't tell friend
from foe...

2 days and 2 nights.
We tried to stick
to the safest places.

The General ordered us
to advance.

But we ran around till they
chased us into a paddy field.
