Do you think they'll really do
the sole in champagne and butter?
Mm-hmm. In any case,
while we're waiting,
I wonder if the lovely
Miss Gabrielle Simpson
would join the very talented
Mr Richard Benson
for a small dry aperitif? I think
she's earned it. They both have.
Alright. I think
that would be very nice.
I didn't really like Rick at first
but he's beginning to grow on me.
So, you find Rick growing on you?
Oh, yes,
I think he's very attractive.
Important. The reaction
of the female audience.
Alright. Lunch is over. The martinis,
the two different wines and brandy
have had their effect,
and a glorious dream-like glow
is settling over them.
The pages, Miss Simpson.
Those that we have covered so far
with our fabulous prose.
Here you will notice, as advertised
in our discussion earlier on today,
the opening, a series of
interestingly photographed
establishing shots.
And here, the boy and the girl,
if a middle-aged mysterious stranger
can indeed be called a boy, meet.
You're not middle-aged, Mr Benson.
In fact, I think you're remarkably
well preserved.
As chilling a compliment as
I've ever received, Miss Simpson.
However, to continue,
pages eight, nine,
ten of romantic chitchat.
- Which you do so brilliantly.
- Why, thank you.
Now you can feel the unconscious
attraction between the two,
the tremulous beginnings of love.
You see how easy it is
with professional know-how
and experience on your side?
Miss Simpson,
I don't think you realise this,