Here you will notice, as advertised
in our discussion earlier on today,
the opening, a series of
interestingly photographed
establishing shots.
And here, the boy and the girl,
if a middle-aged mysterious stranger
can indeed be called a boy, meet.
You're not middle-aged, Mr Benson.
In fact, I think you're remarkably
well preserved.
As chilling a compliment as
I've ever received, Miss Simpson.
However, to continue,
pages eight, nine,
ten of romantic chitchat.
- Which you do so brilliantly.
- Why, thank you.
Now you can feel the unconscious
attraction between the two,
the tremulous beginnings of love.
You see how easy it is
with professional know-how
and experience on your side?
Miss Simpson,
I don't think you realise this,
but a writer's life
is a terribly lonely one.
- Mr Benson.
- Hmm?
Have you any idea at all
what happens next?
Do you, Miss Simpson,
have any idea what will happen?
We've got to remember
that no matter how charming he seems,
he is a liar and a thief.
It says so right here.
Mr Benson...
I do know what happens next.
What happens next
is the second switch.
The audience gasps as they realise
they have been fooled.
He has plied her with martinis,
white wine, red wine, brandy,
for only one reason.
To make her drunk!