or the most action-type
scenes in the movie.
The cast is a mixture of American lead,
Italian actors,
Spanish actors, West Germans.
This is an Italian-Spanish-West
German coproduction,
and each wanted a slice
of the action with the cast.
Here's a direct James Bond reference.
The iris looking down onto the horseman.
James Bond had been successful
in Italy, and you could say
part of the impetus for this film is
to bring Bond together with the Western,
to turn it into a mid-1960s
grown-up kind of Western
that would appeal to the audience
for James Bond movies.
Shot in Techniscope, known as
the poor man's CinemaScope,
a two-perforation system where you
printed two frames for the price of one.
It was quite difficult to use,
and encouraged the use
of either long shots or extreme close-ups,
which, of course, is one of the technical
innovations of the Italian Western.
In the shooting script, the movie
begins with a map of the Rio Grande,
or the Río Bravo, as Mexicans call it,
with northern Mexico
and the southern United States.
And it's 1872, New Mexico. You see
the water, you see the mule's feet.
You see the rider go across
the water, and his name is Ray.
He's a Confederate sergeant.
And you see him steal a poncho
off a hatless Mexican peon
who's having a swim in the Rio Grande.
He puts on the poncho, cut,
and then the movie begins.
But in the final version, it's much more
enigmatic, and more iconic as a costume,
because you don't know why he's wearing
it, but he looks at home in Mexico.
This sequence was shot
in Almería, in southern Spain,
at a place called Cortijo el Sotillo,
at San Jose, east of Almería,
and it looks much the same now
as it did then. This is an actual place.