is in fact not based on Yojimbo,
but it's loosely based on passages
in Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest,
a detective novel written
about the Continental Operative,
who was a private investigator, which has
a very similar story to Fistful of Dollars,
and Yojimbo,
and The Servant of Two Masters.
That whole idea of two clans fighting,
and someone sets them
against each other.
But the detective element
of this part of the movie
has a kind of Dashiell
Hammett feeling to it.
Leone claimed he'd brought
Hammett together with Yojimbo,
and taken the Japanese story home again,
when he adapted it into Fistful of Dollars.
Eastwood is about to try
and find where the gold is hidden,
and he does it not by thoughtfulness.
Sanjuro in Yojimbo is a very thoughtful
character, who sits back and reflects a lot.
The Eastwood character doesn't do that.
Action is character in this film.
Nevertheless, he's trying to work
out where the gold must be buried,
by exploring the stores
in the Rojo residence.
Soundtrack design
is another distinctive feature.
Not only the music, but the way
in which natural sounds are amplified.
In Italy, everything was postsynchronised.
There wasn't a tradition
of shooting direct sound.
So you have a guide track
when you're making the film,
but when you go into dubbing
you do what you like.
You can construct
all the layers of sound.
Fellini had done it, Pasolini
was to do it, Visconti had done it.
All the greats in Italian cinema
used sound design.
Leone said that sound
was 40 per cent of a movie.
So what you get is, say, a gunshot
followed by a horse whinnying,
followed by silence.
It's all constructed that way,
in order that the soundtrack should also
contribute to the tension in the audience.