Leone said, "I don't like
Disney fairy tales or movies. "
"They're too clean. I don't believe them. "
You've got to have grunge,
but it's still a fairy tale.
A fairy tale for grown-ups.
Welcome home by slapping the boy.
That's not something that
happened in Hollywood Westerns.
In the morality of Leone's Westerns,
you can often tell who the real baddies are
by the way they treat children.
Everyone's pretty bad,
and some are worse than others,
but the real baddies
tend to threaten children,
or in the case of For A Few Dollars More
actually shoot a child.
That's the signal
that this guy is really bad.
So he's upped the ante
on the morality stakes,
and this is the moment where
Marisol, Mary, the Virgin Mary,
looks at the stranger.
She wants to be protected.
The setup of them is like a painting of the
Holy Family, in the middle of the street,
which was quite deliberate, just as the
Last Supper will come a little bit later on.
You could argue that most Hollywood
Westerns were, in fact, Protestant,
and Socially Darwinist
in their attitude towards the West.
That you do get references to the
Holy Family, particularly in Shane,
a model of Fistful of Dollars.
Marian and little Joey
in their log cabin in the wilderness,