Now, why are you so hasty?
You should stay here.
You might enjoy dining with us tonight.
You see, the Baxters have four men
in the cemetery on account of me.
I don't think
they'd appreciate my presence.
I don't like that americano.
Too smart to be a hired fighter.
- Shooting a pistol, no one can touch him.
- I see that. When someone with that face
works with his gun, count on two things.
He's fast on the trigger
but he's also intelligent.
- That makes him too dangerous for you.
- Now he's gone, explain that nonsense
about hanging up your gun
and making up with the Baxters.
Is it possible that you'll never be able
to reach any conclusions on your own?
Don't you think our government and
the americanos will find those bodies?
They'll investigate, all right. And we'll
be quiet and peacefully bide our time.
We know nothing about a massacre
at the Río Bravo, eh?
I arranged for the bodies to be lying
as if both companies killed each other.
But do you think they'll believe it?
Ah, yes, I think so. Because if
they don't find some guilty party,
it would be a good reason
to call off the investigation.
Yes, but... what about the Baxters?
The Baxters? They want nothing
more than to live in peace.
We'll let them have their own way
for a while. So forget the Baxters.
We'll take care of them later
when the investigation finishes.
That was a fine idea that you had.
What was it again?
Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes.
The Baxters on one side,
the Rojos on the other.
And you'd be in the middle.
The only problem is
that they've joined up.