People come home from vacation.
Somebody might want something.
Uh, well, I'll be back.
But he never really
did come back...
not the Edgar Hopper I knew.
When he hadn't returned
by the next day, I hurried into town.
Hop, hop into Hopper's.
The lowest prices in town.
Unlimited credit. This is the biggest sale
in the history of our county.
Don't crawl to Crawley's, folks.
Hop, hop to Hopper's.
I guarantee you 10% off
because we've no air conditioning.
This is it, folks.
Right here on Main Street.
Hop, hop to Hopper's.
We undersell everybody.
Come right in, folks.
Instant credit.
If we haven't got it,
we'll get it for you, folks.
Don't crawl to Crawley's.
Hop, hop to Hopper's.
So all you shop...
- What is all this?
- Hopper's Taj Mahal, honey,
and it's all for you.
Listen, Louisa, when that snake rattled
into our house, something snapped.
But where have you been?
Why didn't you come home?
There you were, mending the roof...
my wife!
Hop, hop, hop, you shoppers.
Hop to Hopper's.
Honey, I wanna get you things...
dresses and things for the house...
- a house!
- But I like our house.
What is it that makes a family...
go to the same store over
and over and no place else?
Well, I don't know.
Free eats, free toys for the kiddies.
That's it!
We'll stuff'em and then we'll sell 'em.
- Hop, hop, hop, you shoppers!
Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's!
Come on, honey.
Let me show you around.
Hey, you kids. Get up on there and keep
with the "Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's."
- Eddie, this is wonderful.
- Oh, thanks, folks.
- Terrific.
- Thanks for coming.
- There's more bargains than that. Okay.
- We'll be back, Eddie.
- Some buys, Eddie.
- Edgar, uh...
- Congratulations, Eddie.
- Oh, thanks. The prices are low,
the goods are right...
so come to Hopper's
from morn till night.
- We'll be back.
- No kidding. We're open
till 10:00 every night.
- How's it going there, folks?
Those are all on sale.
- Oh, great.
- Edgar, when will
we ever see each other?
- Huh?
Honey, as soon as this thing gets going,
we'll have more time together than ever.
But we had all our time
together before.